Class Assignment #1 What is Illustration?

This illustration is by an artist named, Destiny Blue, who suffers from mental health. She is from London, United Kingdom, and profession, my best guest is she is a Freelance Artist. I don't know the name of the picture I chose, but I do know she made this in May 21, 2015,  and it is a Digital Media Illustration, made in Photoshop. The purpose of her work, is to show everyone, whether they suffer from depression or not, the untold truth on what it is like to constantly battle depression. That you would say that you're fine, but deep inside, you really are not fine, but you're really depressed and hurting.

The message and objective of this artwork in particular, is to let people who don't suffer through this, get the idea that smiling faces, and saying that everything is fine, can be mostly lies and cover ups for what the person truly feels like. And that they want to say what they are truly feeling at that moment don't want to burden others with their emotions, or worry them. It also gets people who do suffer through this something to connect to, and to feel that they aren't the only ones that has been dealing with it for their life.

Why I chose this illustration, is because I can connected to what Destiny Blue goes through. I know what it is like feeling trapped and depressed inside your own body and you can be happy and go joy for one minute, then all of the sudden your bawling your eyes out for no reason and your anxiety is crazy. And all sort of other depressing things go on in your mind while it's happening.